Education is a basic right of a human being and must be fulfilled by the state. No one disputes this statement. The state agreed and presented compulsory education programs for the entire population. In addition, education is also one of the main instruments to reduce and even end extreme poverty. Education is also one of the factors for the country to move forward.
Unfortunately, similar to other industries, education also faces a variety of very complex challenges. In addition to the curriculum problem which until now is still being debated because the right curriculum has not been found to be implemented, the education industry is also faced with challenges in the field of data management.
The education industry is one of the industries that has a large amount of data. Starting from student data, lesson data, assessment data, and various other data. Of course, it is not easy to manage all this data. In addition to the need for a lot of energy and time, it also requires skills and competencies from the perpetrators. This certainly adds to the burden on these industry players, especially teachers and teachers. Their focus will be divided whether or not they realize it will have an impact on the teaching and learning process.
Telkom Indonesia realizes that this challenge can be solved by the application of appropriate technology. Armed with a commitment to take part in the progress of Indonesia, Telkom Indonesia presents a solution, namely the School Management system, namely Pijar Sekolah.
The massive development of technology presents so much potential to be utilized in various sectors and fields in human life. One of them is of course the education industry which is one of the important industries today.
Pijar Sekolah is an application presented by Telkom Indonesia to assist schools in managing school information system management digitally and integratedly. By using this application, it is hoped that the data owned by the school can be managed digitally and centrally so that the learning process becomes more effective and efficient which in the end not only benefits the school and teachers but also the main consumers of this industry, namely students.
Other benefits that schools will get if they use Incandescent Schools are:
One of the main challenges faced by schools is the amount of data that must be managed. This management process includes recording, archiving and various other stages that are time-consuming and require certain competencies. By using Incandescent School, this can be done more efficiently. Through the Management Information System (SIM) Module, schools can easily manage all data owned from school data, teachers, students, grades and other important data. All this data will later be stored digitally and centrally so that it can be accessed by anyone if needed.
The pandemic changed a lot of things in life. One of them is the presence of an online teaching and learning process that replaces the face-to-face teaching and learning process. But this transition will not go smoothly if schools are still using manual management. If the school uses Incandescent School then this transition will be smoother. One of the features of this app is the Digital Learning Module which can be accessed from anywhere by teachers and students. If previously teachers had to use other applications to teach or give assignments, now it can be done using one application. This certainly facilitates and increases efficiency.
Incandescent School in addition to managing data digitally and providing modules that can be accessed from anywhere, this application also allows students to practice their competencies by doing practice questions in the exam module. In addition, Incandescent School also facilitates the implementation of exams. Coupled with assessments that are directly integrated with other data, teachers can measure student competencies more easily and more accurately than before.
Of the many challenges faced by the education industry, changing the system that has been from manual to digital is something that must be done immediately. Going digital means that schools have already solved half of the challenges faced so far.
So, why should Incandescent School? Apart from the fact that this is an application from Telkom Indonesia that has the best human resources in their fields, schools must use this application because:
Telkom Indonesia continues to uphold its commitment to be part of Indonesia's progress so that the Pijar Sekolah application is supported by various best technologies in Telkom Indonesia. In addition, this application is also supported by the best human resources who do not stop developing from existing technology.
Realizing that this application will be used by people with various backgrounds and different understandings of technology, Pijar Sekolah is presented to be used by anyone. Of course this is good news because it means that both elementary school students and parents with low understanding of technology can use this application.
Incandescent Schools are equipped with various modules that can be used to improve the efficiency of modern school management. These modules are presented attractively but are still easy to use so they are not burdensome for users.
With various interesting features, Pijar Sekolah is expected to be a solution to answer various challenges faced by the education industry which will ultimately increase the human resources produced. Only with education can this country compete with other countries.
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