Indonesia is one of the 10 largest chicken producing countries in the world which is in sixth place with production reaching 3.4 million tons per year. But on the other hand, chicken farmers are very vulnerable to various failures that can affect their business, because the chicken farming business is vulnerable to the risk of loss which is highly dependent on internal factors (productivity, livestock mortality rate) and external factors (input prices and output prices).
With the implementation of Smart Poultry Farming , it is hoped that the risk of failure can be minimized and the penetration of technology use in the Agribusiness industry in Indonesia is increasing so that it can advance the Agribusiness sector in Indonesia. Smart Poultry Farming is a tangible manifestation of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in the livestock sector for a better and globally competitive future of the livestock business in Indonesia.
Challenges Faced by the Livestock Sector
The Indonesian government has a big dream to make Indonesia a world food producer. This is not an easy dream. Many challenges must be solved first in line with development to improve the quality and quantity of crops.
Some of the main challenges faced by livestock sector players include:
Capital and Investment
Capital is still a major challenge. Farmers complain about the difficulty of getting investors to develop the sector. This challenge has received the attention of the government marked by the increasing investment for the sector both from within the country and abroad.
Modern animal husbandry
The government began to introduce and invite farmers to change the traditional livestock system to be more modern. Not only to answer the challenge of loss risk, modern animal husbandry can also improve the quality and quantity of crop yields.
Modern animal husbandry allows farmers to use the right technology to be able to monitor livestock and stall conditions. Furthermore, modern animal husbandry also eases the burden on farmers by offering automation that will eventually multiply the productivity of livestock products.
Crop Marketing
After achieving the desired quality and quantity of the crop, then how to market it? If there are too many products on the market, it will affect the selling price which can harm business actors in the sector. If it is mishandled in the distribution process, it will affect the condition of the harvest when it reaches the hands of consumers.
The Challenge of Presenting Innovation Carried out by Telkom Indonesia
Seeing the various challenges faced by the livestock sector and with the understanding that technology is the future, Telkom certainly continues to innovate to present appropriate technology to help face existing challenges, so that it can realize one of the long-term plans of the Indonesian government, namely making Indonesia a world food producer.
Telkom Indonesia is not only a state-owned enterprise that focuses on telecommunications, but now it has also transformed into the leading digital telco in Indonesia. Telkom has also proven that its various technological innovations can be used as digitalization solutions in the livestock sector. One of them is by synergizing to support the development of Smart Poultry Farming innovations that digitize business processes at PT Sreeya Sewu Indonesia Tbk or Sreeya.
PT Sreeya Sewu Indonesia Tbk is one of the companies engaged in the livestock sector since 1985. Initially, the company focused on chicken farming, the provision of slaughter chickens and chicken-based frozen food. Over time, this company continued to grow until it became the first company in Indonesia to apply halal blockchain to chicken slaughter procedures.
With various challenges that exist, PT Sreeya Sewu Indonesia Tbk digitizes every business line focused on developing new technology from upstream to downstream.
In this case, Telkom Indonesia comes with a Smart Poultry Farming solution where all parts of the farm will be integrated starting from the process of managing livestock to harvest with the main focus on increasing productivity in farm facilities and slaughterhouses.
The innovation carried out by Telkom Indonesia offers four main advantages for PT Sreeya Sewu Indonesia Tbk, namely:
Livestock Management
Smart Farming Poultry built by Telkom Indonesia using various technologies and services to change livestock management. From a traditional farm to a modern farm where all operational activities are monitored in real time.
With dashboard management, PT Sreeya Sewu Indonesia Tbk can supervise livestock and cage conditions around the clock. Sensors placed in cages and various other locations will provide information if urgent things are detected, so that preventive measures can be taken faster to avoid large amounts of losses. These data will also be stored in the cloud so that they can be processed and analyzed according to future needs and targets.
Automation System
In addition to using sensors to monitor the condition of animals and cages, the collaboration between Telkom Indonesia and PT Sreeya Sewu Indonesia Tbk also includes automation systems, such as Fan Controlling & Automation placed in cages.
By utilizing IoT or Internet of Things technology, Telkom Indonesia puts sensors at several important points to monitor temperature, humidity, lighting, carbon monoxide, ammonia and wind speed. Data from these various sensors will be integrated and stored in the cloud for processing and analysis. The existence of this automation makes the condition of the cage better than before and can be easily monitored.
Quality and Quantity of Livestock Products
Modern livestock management and automation systems will ultimately improve the quality and quantity of livestock yields. The quality of farm animals improves because all the time the condition of farm animals and cages and the surrounding environment are under monitoring which allows adjustments to be made if needed. Not only quality, the quantity of livestock products will also increase.
With various technological and service innovations, Telkom Indonesia is committed to continuing to strive to support and encourage the development of the livestock sector that is more innovative and adaptive to technological advances.
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