School is not just about the teaching and learning process. In fact, the school is a company. Professional management is needed to ensure that the school can run smoothly and successfully face the various challenges that exist. Unfortunately, there are still not many who realize this.
Until now, many schools are still not professionally managed. All is left only to the principal and the teachers. This certainly causes many problems such as data management which is still done manually and takes a long time to find that data if you want to use it. In addition, this also burdens teachers because in addition to teaching, they also have to work on this data management problem.
Not only that, this data management problem also raises new problems and some of them are scoring systems that are considered not transparent with a fairly low level of accuracy. This accuracy problem arises because of manual data management and the difficulty of finding old data so that teachers cannot measure the competence of students properly. It also causes parents to find it difficult to supervise their children's grades. The parents only know what the teachers are informed about.
This is also faced by public schools in the city of Semarang. Coupled with the pandemic condition where the education industry is one of the most affected industries because the teaching and learning process is carried out face-to-face while the pandemic makes it impossible to do so.
A total of 324 elementary schools and 45 junior high schools in Semarang city collaborated with Telkom Indonesia and began to use the Pijar Sekolah application to start managing schools digitally. The city of Semarang chose Pijar Indonesia, of course, because this application owned by one of the leading SOEs is the best application that offers many benefits that will improve the quality of schools.
The app offers schools to do data management manually. This is certainly a big stepping stone considering that so far all data has been done manually. At the beginning of each school year, the school is immersed in various data related to the students, both new students and old students. This of course takes quite a long time to complete. Manual management also increases the possibility of human error.
With digital management, schools can do time efficiency. In addition to the processing time, it is also time to find data when needed because all data has been integrated. In addition, Pijar Sekolah is equipped with a System Information Management (SIM) that allows schools to manage data in a digital way securely.
Incandescent Schools are not only here to solve data management problems in schools. This application is presented by Telkom Indonesia to improve education in Indonesia. That means that in addition to schools, students who are consumers of the school must also be considered. Armed with this in mind, Incandescent Schools are equipped with a variety that can be utilized by the students.
If System Information Management focuses on school needs, then Digital Learning Modules and Exam Modules are presented to meet the needs of students. The evolving world and the pandemic that occurred a few years ago caused schools to find ways to continue the teaching and learning process which ultimately presents the teaching and learning process which is carried out online.
The Digital Learning Module will make it easier for teachers and students to carry out the teaching and learning process from anywhere, not limited to the classroom alone. In addition, this module also allows students to do a more in-depth exploration of the learning material they like without having to wait for the schedule of the teaching and learning process.
While the Exam Module allows the students to do many practice questions independently. This module also makes it easier to conduct exams. Furthermore, this module can be integrated with assessment so that exam results can be immediately known quickly and accurately.
Is it only about data management that is a problem for the Indonesian education industry? Of course not. The school also faces communication challenges especially with the parents of students. This has been a challenge since many years ago. Parents of students always argue that so far the school has not been transparent enough to them.
Many parents question the assessment given by teachers to their children. Questioning how teachers measure competence and how accurate the results of measurements made by teachers are. Not only that, but parents also often feel confused because they don't get enough information about their children's development at school.
Incandescent Schools can answer that problem. Yes, Incandescent School is an application that not only answers the needs of the school but also the needs of students and parents. This is because Telkom Indonesia as the developer of this application realizes that schools, students and parents are inseparable components to build a school with superior quality.
In addition to being equipped with System Information Management and various interesting modules and can be used anywhere, Pijar Sekolah is also equipped with a Student monitoring dashboard that can be accessed by parents. Through this dashboard, various questions that have been haunting parents can be answered.
The app will also improve the accuracy level of student competency measurement as teachers can easily access previous data and compare with data from the latest results. Things that used to take a very long time to do, with the Incandescent School application can be done in a short time with much more accurate results than before.
The presence of Pijar Sekolah is expected to solve the problems and challenges faced by schools in Indonesia as has been proven by many public schools in the city of Semarang. The end result of using this application is of course the increasing quality of education in Indonesia. Telkom Indonesia believes that with superior education, Indonesia will be able to compete with other countries not only in the Southeast Asian region but also globally.
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