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ACI Helps Map the Potential & Competence of Prospective Stakeholders

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Dec 30, 2022
ACI Helps Map the Potential & Competence of Prospective Stakeholders

The Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia is a ministry in the Indonesian government in charge of transportation affairs. As a ministry, of course, there is a lot of work that must be completed such as formulating and determining policies, managing goods, supervising the implementation of tasks to technical activities on a national scale. This is certainly not easy and requires a leader with certain competencies to ensure all the functions and duties of the ministry run as they should. 

In addition to ministers who are leaders of the ministry, the Position of Associate High Leader (JPT Madya) is also known which includes the positions of secretary-general, director general, inspector general, to the agency, expert staff of ministers, and other positions equivalent to the first echelon. The main function of jpt madya is to lead and motivate each State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to carry out its duties and functions as well as possible in order to achieve the goals of the Ministry. 

The filling or selection of JPT Madya is carried out openly and competitively among ASNs, of course, by considering eligibility related to the requirements for competence, rank, education, training, professional track record, as well as integrity and other requirements that have been predetermined in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. This selection process usually involves other parties to conduct testing or evaluation. As done by the Ministry of Transportation in 2021. The Ministry of Transportation collaborated with ACI "Assessment Center Indonesia" to map the potential and competence of prospective JPT Madya stakeholders. 

ACI or Assessment Center Indonesia is an independent unit owned by Telkom Indonesia which since 1990 has implemented an Assessment Center which is one of the methods to evaluate personnel with attributes or abilities relevant to organizational effectiveness. Assessment Center is still considered the most precise and objective method today. 

Competencies that Must Be Possessed by Prospective Intermediate JPT Stakeholders

In the process of evaluating an employee to occupy a certain position, competence can be said to be the main benchmark. Competence itself, can be interpreted as the ability needed to do or carry out work based on knowledge, skills and work attitudes. When evaluating with the Assessment Center method, the first thing to do is to determine what competencies are needed for the position or become a success criterion. This is important because the competencies required for each position are different because they are adjusted to their duties and functions. 

The task of ACI is to conduct an evaluation to ensure that each candidate has these competencies or not through a series of simulations and tests that are part of the Assessment Center. 

How ACI Helps the Mapping Process and Competence of JPT Associate Ministry of Transportation

After analyzing what competencies an Associate JPT should have, ACI prepared the most suitable evaluation method to be used in the implementation of the Assessment Center process. There are four simulations prepared by ACI that must be passed by every intermediate JPT candidate, namely: 

  • LGD Assigned

This simulation is a group simulation where each group will get the same problem but each group member is given a different role. It is expected that in the discussion process carried out each member of the group will perform according to their role and get solutions to the problems given. Of course, there is a time limit for this simulation. 

  • Subordinate Interaction

In this simulation, everyone will get different problems or problems related to subordinates and are asked to provide solutions within the predetermined time limits. This simulation is private or one participant for each session without involving other participants. 

  • Problem Analysis

As the name suggests, in this simulation participants will be given problems and asked to review them and then provide recommendations related to the problem. Just like the previous simulation, this simulation is also carried out within a time limit and without involving other participants. 

  • Behavior-Based Interview

This time the participants will be interviewed by the assessor within a time limit. These interviews were conducted to find out more about the candidates. The goal, of course, is to profiling each participant to assess the candidate's suitability with the intended position.

After conducting the Assessment Center, the ACI task is not completed just like that. As a service provider, ACI will map the results of the assessment and personality traits that have been carried out. To provide more precise and objective results, each process is not only carried out by one assessor but several assessors simultaneously. 

ACI will also provide feedback to each jpt candidate of the Ministry of Transportation. This feedback is a competency development program carried out by conveying and discussing the results of the assessment that has been carried out. It aims for candidates to improve their competence and encourage optimal personal growth.

At the end of the program, the Ministry of Transportation received a comprehensive report in the form of complete data on the results of the Assessment Center from each candidate with recommendations based on predetermined competencies. The report provided by ACI is used by the Ministry of Transportation as a consideration for choosing an Intermediate JPT in 2021.

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Assessment Center Indonesia, Telkom's Contribution to Indonesia

The use and application of the Assessment Center is certainly different in each country. Because some Assessment Center features are not valid or acceptable to some countries, while these features are common and plural used in other countries. It is also closely related to the culture and conditions of the local people. Facing cross-cultural variability, it is important to design, implement and implement this method in accordance with the conditions of the situation in the country so that the results obtained are as needed.In Indonesia itself, the Assessment Center was originally introduced by Telkom Indonesia in 1990. The Assessment Center used by Telkom Indonesia for internal needs quickly became a benchmark for other companies in Indonesia such as Astra Motor, Pos Indonesia and others. Before Telkom Indonesia introduced the Assessment Center, the company relied on track records, performance achievements and psychometric tests to predict the performance of employees and managers. But that information alone turned out to be insufficient so that more and more people adopted and used Telkom Indonesia's Assessment Center , the results of which were much more reliable. After a long journey, at the end of 2013, Telkom's Assessment Center unit was designated as an independent unit named " Assessment Center Indonesia" or ACI. As an independent unit, ACI is required to contribute more in preparing Indonesia's best human resources. Not only focusing on supporting the Assessment Center program but also expanding services to other companies and organizations outside Telkom Indonesia. Of course, this is a form of Telkom Indonesia's contribution to the country.Approaches Used To Ensure Successful Assessment Center by ACITo the point where ACI is recognized as a standalone unit used by more than a hundred companies and organizations is certainly not an easy journey. Since 1990, Telkom Indonesia has consistently used the Assessment Center to evaluate managerial competencies in the internal and external environments. This method was chosen because it is the most objective method and guarantees the transparency of the process of evaluating the capabilities of employees. Not only that, Telkom Indonesia also continues to make continuous improvements and developments in order to maintain the validation of the results of the method.  One form of development carried out is the joining of several Telkom Indonesia Assessment Center human resources who are involved as administrators of PASSTI or the Indonesian Assessment Center Association which focuses on educating the public about the Assessment Center  method that is not too familiar to the general public. The fruit of that is that more and more are recognizing and using ACI in evaluating some of the key competencies that an employee or manager should have. In ensuring that the competency assessment process is successfully carried out, there are five steps carried out by ACI, namely: Multi Assessor The professional who acts to assess and evaluate in each stage is called the assessor. In every Assessment Center process carried out by ACI there are several assessors who will conduct assessments and evaluations at the same time. This is done to ensure that the data obtained is objective. Multi SimulationACI has prepared several simulations tailored to the needs of companies in Indonesia. For each Assessment Center process, ACI will conduct a behavioral evaluation not only based on the input of one simulation of assessment techniques but also several technical simulations of assessment which of course clearly increase the success rate of the Assessment Center carried out. By CriteriaThe results of the assessment behavior evaluation or participants from the Assessment Center will be compared with certain criteria that have been prepared by trained professionals at ACI. Integrated DataEvery data obtained during the Assessment Center process is based on behavioral input from various simulations that have been prepared and will be integrated so as to get results with a high level of validity. Consensus RatingsThe assessment or evaluation process is not only carried out by one assessment but several so that for objective and valid results, the final value of each assessee is an agreement between assessors and refers to the criteria that have been previously set.The main difference between the Assessment Center and other methods is that the evaluation is carried out through simulation. In this case, a simulation is a series of tasks or challenges that are deliberately created to generate behaviors relevant to the competence to be identified. The simulation carried out is specifically designed to resemble daily working conditions which aims to measure the competencies needed so that employees can carry out their roles and duties.Some of the simulations that are part of the Assessment Center evaluation are:Work in groups. This is one of the important competencies that must be possessed by employees in a company. This competence is important because to achieve the main goals of the company requires good cooperation between each individual. In addition, working in a group also has many positive things such as causing the work process to be more effective, collaboration can bring up many new ideas, and improve the ability to solve problems. To evaluate these competencies, assessees are required to follow simulations in which they are divided into small groups of four to six people and are required to solve specific problems. During this simulation process, the assessor will evaluate each behavior not only focusing on the final result of solving a given problem. Interaction at Work. This simulation to assess interactions at work will usually be adjusted to the needs of each position. If the Assessment Center is carried out to assess competencies that focus on marketing , the simulation prepared is of course related to interactions with customers. Not only that, interaction at work is also related to interaction with subordinates and interaction with colleagues. Skills in this case will usually clarify the character of an employee related to competence. Work independently.The Assessment Center also has simulations to assess the competence or ability of an employee in terms of working independently. Of course this is something important, especially in the present day when many companies are starting to adopt a hybrid work system or combine work from office and work from home. With good independent work competence, the performance of an employee whether while working in an office or in another location will not make a difference. Are the simulations that are part of the Assessment Center limited to only the three simulations already mentioned above? Of course not. As an evaluation process, the Assessment Center of ACI has many simulations that are tailored to the needs of the competencies you want to evaluate. ACI understands that each role or position requires different competencies so that it requires a different evaluation process. ACI, the Fruit of a 29-Year JourneyExperience is the best teacher but experience alone is not enough, especially in the Assessment Center. Since 1990 until now, ACI has carried out the Assessment Center process for more than 50,000 people from various industries such as accommodation, information and telecommunications, financial services, insurance, construction, transportation, and other industries. Not only industry, ACI also carries out a competency evaluation process for government organizations or agencies such as the Corruption Eradication Commission, the Presidential Staff Office, the Ministry of SOEs, and many other agencies that trust ACI to conduct competency evaluations. Many ask why ACI is trusted by so many parties? Of course, the answer is not only limited to ACI has more experience. ACI is an option because in conducting an Assessment Center, ACI is always based on work ethics by upholding accuracy and always strives to sharpen results, competitive or form a conducive ecosystem, and intensify , namely striving to instill self-competence by upholding integrity as the main value. ACI will continue to move forward with a commitment to continue to improve services and results through systematic improvements, increasing the competence of human resources and assessors, which in this case is the main asset through training and development programs and building a knowledge management system in order to bring maximum satisfaction to users of this Assessment Center service. 
Nov 29, 2022
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