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Infrastructure as a Service and Its Benefits for Companies

Business Research
Oct 28, 2022
 Infrastructure as a Service and Its Benefits for Companies

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a cloud computing service that offers compute for storage and on-demand networking. Usually IaaS is paid according to usage by the user. 

This service is very suitable for use by companies both small, medium, and large. By migrating enterprise organizational infrastructure to IaaS, enterprises will be helped to reduce the cost of managing on-premises data centers and costs for hardware and get real-time company-related insights.  

Nowadays, many companies are starting to be interested in using IaaS. One of the reasons is because companies do not need to deal with the hassle of purchasing and managing physical servers as well as the infrastructure of data centers . Using IaaS means the company will get convenience because each resource is offered as a separate component and the company will only pay as needed. 

So far, companies have to spend a lot of money to build independent infrastructure that is often not used optimally. Most companies think it's better to build more infrastructure than needed than to have to add later on and deal with more troublesome processes. Of course this is a burden for companies because it means they have to pay for something that is not used. This is inversely proportional to what IaaS offers.

In addition to the advantages in terms of cost reduction and efficiency, IaaS is also a solution that gives companies flexibility in terms of raising and lowering the need for the company's IT resources according to needs without having to deal with complicated processes because everything is managed and regulated by iaaS service providers while the company only needs to use them. 

Benefits of Infrastructure as a Service for companies. 

Are the advantages offered by IaaS for companies limited to company efficiency and flexibility only? The answer is of course no. There are many advantages offered by IaaS for companies. Some of the most important of them are: 

  1. Storage, backup, and recovery
    Storage not only costs money for procurement but also to manage it. Not only costs, this also requires an expert to ensure management runs smoothly. IaaS simplifies it for enterprises. Companies no longer need to worry about this because everything has been done by IaaS service providers. 
  2. Improves stability, reliability and carrying capacity
    With IaaS, companies no longer spend time maintaining and upgrading software and hardware. IaaS service providers will ensure companies always get the infrastructure they need and ensure their stability. 
  3. Ensure continuity with disaster recovery
    If the company has independent infrastructure in the event of a disaster, it will be damaged and cannot be used. This will certainly make the company unable to run for a while. By using Iaas, the sustainability of the company can be maintained because the infrastructure is not physically located in the location of the company affected by the disaster. 
  4. Data security is more guaranteed
    IaaS service providers certainly consist of experts in their fields so that it will ensure the security of company data stored in their cloud computing will not be easily hacked. 

Now is a good time for your company to switch to using IaaS. If your company has not migrated and is interested in Infrastructure as a Service services, you can directly contact Telkom Indonesia as one of the trusted IaaS service providers in Indonesia. Click here for more information.

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